Unix Package Managers & System Query Tools
Basic guide to getting stuff installed and getting information
on various types of Unix and Linux systems
SGI Irix
Use the Software Manager via the Toolchest to add and remove
packages or use the 'inst' command
For example to install the Multi-processor libraries for Irix,
download the appropr iate package (in this case 6.x_mpt_1.3.tardist),
untar it, run the inst command as root, select from and point
to the local dirctory containing the untarred files, se lect
list to view the items to be installed, select conflicts to
check for conflict s or dependencies, select go to install and
then quit to exit inst.
You can query the installed packages and their versions using
the 'versions' command (eg versions | grep perl)
You can find out about SGI hardware via the 'hinv' command
Compaq Tru64
Use the Graphical System Manager (/usr/bin/sysman) or use the
'setld' command (/usr/sbin/setld -l )
For example to update the Fortran compilers or Tru64, download
the appropriate pack age (in this case DFA541.tar contains an
updated Fortran compiler), untar it,run /u sr/sbin/setld -l
./, select the install options and follow the prompts.
You can query the installed packages and their versions using
the 'setld -i' command (eg /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep perl)
RedHat Linux
Use the Graphical Gnorpm package manager or use the 'rpm' command
(rpm -i )
For example to install Opera, download the package (opera-static-5.0-1.i385.rpm),
b ecome root, use rpm -i opera-static-5.0-1.i386.rpm to install
Debian Linux
Use the 'apt-get' to get a package from the network (apt-get
install will install from a source listed in /etc/apt/sources.list
) or 'dpkg' for a local file command (dpkg install ). 'dselect'
will also give you a front e nd on package management.
Use the Graphical or command line version of 'smit'.
On an X interface 'smit' will invoke the motif style GUI version
of the tool which will allow you to configure all aspects of
the AIX system including the installatio n of software. Via
a telnet or serial console session the ASCII version of the
tool is invoked which gives you many of the same options just
in text-only mode.
SUN Solaris
Use 'pkgadd' or the Graphical System Manager to install software
(/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d ). Note that patches should be applied
using patchadd rather than pkgadd
You can find out about SUN hardware using the 'showrev' command which can query hardware and software (eg showrev -a)