Album Reviews C-G
(A-B) (C-G) (H-M)
(N-Q) (R-S)
Album: Frigid Stars
Artist: Codiene
Released: 1990, Sub Pop
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Cold by name cold by nature... slow-mo
un-rock. The background hum of the amps is almost louder
than the songs themselves. |
Album: Enjoy the Melodic Sunshine
Artist: Cosmic Rough Riders
Released: 2000, Poptones
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Pristine guitar pop in a Byrds, Teenage
Fanclub style. |
Album: Earth 2
Artist: Earth
Released: 1992, Sub Pop
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Three (long) instrumental tracks that sound
like a Black Sabbath 45 played at 33 (thats rpm for you
people born after the demise of vinyl). Pretty stunning
and great for relaxing. |
Album: Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die
Artist: Explosions in the Sky
Released: 2001, Temporary Residence Ltd
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Very Godspeedyoublackemporer-ish with Mogwai-esque
touches (everyone is so derivative these days). Nice instrumentals
for people who like queit/load dynamics. |
Album: The Soft Bulletn
Artist: Flaming Lips
Released: 1999, Warner
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: I haven't listened to this much but its
kind of melodic psychedelic pop/rock. Seems to lack the
frenetic drive of their earlier 'Hit to Death in the Futurehead'
which was my previous favourite. For fans I guess its
more of the same. Nice songs though. |
Album: Fugazi
Artist: Instrument
Released: 1999, Dischord
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: The soundtrack to their documentary/movie
type thing. Unless you're a fan I'd recommend one of their
earlier albums for your rightous punk fix. |
Album: Pure
Artist: Godflesh
Released: 1992, Earache
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Probably my favourite Godflesh album due
to the inclusion of Robert Hampson (ex Fall of Because,
Loop & Main) adding extra guitar textures to this
beautifully brutal album. Less grinding more of a (cold)
fusion of metallic guitar and stacatto beats. |
Album: Selfless
Artist: Godflesh
Released: 1994, Earache
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Building on the technological foundation
of 'Pure' this is a very minimalist sounding Godflesh
- stripping away the remnants of the messy fuzz and going
for the clinical grind. |
Album: Slavestate
Artist: Godflesh
Released: 1991, Earache
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Probably the first inkling of Godfleshs
genius (some pedants may argue their peak was achieved
on 'Streetcleaner' but grindcore is a dead end when the
novelty wears off). Mixing beats with bludgeoning guitars,
samplers and touches of dub this paved the way for everything
that followed. |
Album: Streetcleaner
Artist: Godflesh
Released: 1990, Earache
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Sounds pretty much like a slower, heavier
Napalm Death and not a patch on the later stuff. |
Album: Yanqui U.X.O
Artist: Godspeed You Black Emperor
Released: 2002, Constellation
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Actually doesn't sound as good as their
earlier material but even GYBE on an off day is still
pretty stellar stuff. |
Album: Chinga Su Corazon
Artist: Gravitar
Released: 1993, Charnel
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: A great concept which peaks on the following
Gravitaativaravitar album. Super (!!) sludgy guitars,
huge almost jazzy drums, distorted vocals creating a swelling
groovey noise. |
Album: Gravitaativaravitar
Artist: Gravitar
Released: 1995, Charnel
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: More of the same but honed to a fine art.
Definitely their best album. |