Album Reviews R-S
(A-B) (C-G)
(H-M) (N-Q)
(R-S) (T-Z)
Album: Handwriting
Artist: Rachels
Released: 1995, Southern
/ Quarterstick
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: ex-Rodan members combine with classical
bod's to create original orchestral music (with slighlty
understated rock-ist overtones). |
Album: The Shape of Punk to Come
Artist: Refused
Released: 1996, Burning Heart / Epitaph
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: I got hooked after hearing / seeing the
"New Noise" video. Pretty cool stuff. |
Album: Ride
Artist: Today Forever EP
Released: 1988, Sire
Brief Review: Not much to say other than I really like
the cover art :-) |
Album: Ride
Artist: Nowhere
Released: 1995, Sire
Links: Allmusic
Brief Review: Great indie guitar pop. Swirling distorted
guitars and dreamy vocals. |
Album: Rusty
Artist: Rodan
Released: 1995, Southern
/ Quarterstick
Links: Allmusic
Brief Review: More exceptional Slint-esque guitar rock
(there must be something in the Lousville, Kentucy water
supply). Sadly this is their only album but members can
be found in June of 44 and the Rachels. |
Album: 1000 Hurts
Artist: Shellac
Released: 2000, Touch
and Go
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: One more time with feeling - definitely
a better vibe than the previous Terraform and it has all
the trademark Alibini touches to make it great. |
Album: At Action Park
Artist: Shellac
Released: 1994, Touch
and Go
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Debut album from Steve Albinis new band
(engineer to the stars and ring leader of Big Black and
the short lived and controverially monikered Rapeman).
Actually a bit of a let down after the fantastic singles
but still a cut above 90% of the stuff currently clogging
record stores. |
Album: Skeptics III
Artist: Skeptics
Released: 1988, Flying Nun
Links: Allmusic
Brief Review: Completely brilliant and sadly ignored
NZ band. Fusing a pair of drummers to samplers, guitars
and otherworldly vocals they sounded completely unlike
anything else on the Flying Nun roster. Their best album
came shortly after this - 'Amalgam'. |
Album: IIIrd Gatekeeper
Artist: Skullflower
Released: 1992, Headdirt
Links: Monotremata
Brief Review: Early guitar 'skronk' - more overly rocky
than later releases but still with the distinctive overblown
amplifier sound. |
Album: Carved into Roses
Artist: Skullflower
Released: 1994, VHF
Links: Monotremata
Brief Review: Skree-tastic. Long drawn out guitar and
electronics squal from the usual suspects. The faint of
heart should stick with the more rock-oriented early releases
or 'Infinityland' - meanwhile everyone should steer clear
of 'Argon' which is terrible (IMHO). |
Album: Infinityland
Artist: Skullflower
Released: 1995, Headdirt
Links: Monotremata
Brief Review: Possibly the pinnacle for these noise-rock-gods.
Guitars that sound like um nothing else - maybe the sound
of a sun imploding married to a dirge like beat and occassional
vocal howls. |
Album: Obsidian Shaking Codex
Artist: Skullflower
Released: 1993, RRR
Links: Monotremata
Brief Review: The tinny 'skree' starts to creep in that
finally gets prefect pitch on 'Carved Into Roses' (or
any Total album). |
Album: Ruins
Artist: Skullflower
Released: 1990, Shock
Links: Monotremata
Brief Review: More early guitar freakery from this trio. |
Album: Tweez
Artist: Slint
Released: 1993, Touch
and Go
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Debut albums are rarely this good. Songs
named after their parents. Oddball tempos and time signatures
combined with sharp guitars and ubtuse lyrics make for
a brilliant album |
Album: Goo
Artist: Sonic Youth
Released: 1990, Geffen
Links: Allmusic,
Brief Review: Major label debut that melds their space-rock
sounds to bite size palatable pop. Pretty cool especially
- 'Disapearer' and 'Mote'. Theres also a rather good 'Dirty
Boots' EP around from this era as well as the '1991 the
Year Punk Broke' movie/video of them touring live + bits
of Nirvana, Dinosaur Jnr and Babes in Toyland. |