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Oct 11, 2005

The evolution of gaming: computers, consoles, and arcade

From the ever brilliant Arstechnica comes a definitive History of gaming through the various genres. Pretty interesting stuff. Whats amazing is that fundementally little has changed in each genre apart from snazzier graphics and added complexity. I also have to take issue with the ommission of Mule (in the Real Time Strategy section) and Boulderdash (in the Platform section). Or Wizball, Sentinal or Mercenary - each of which would need to go into a final 'Truly Original' category.

And just for the sake of nostaligia - check out these remakes - Paradroidz (Paradroid in 3D Java), Head Over Heels via Retro-Remakes. For those of us that remember gaming on an Apple II, Spectrum or Commodore64.

And I've just discovered Wikipedia has articles on most of them too (try finding that in Brittanica) - Boulderdash, Mercenary, M.U.L.E., Elite, Wizball.

Permalink | 2005.10.11-21:10.00