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Jun 21, 2007

Problems Retaining Gen-Y

Actually a real news story (hopefully the article doesn't disappear) which is some-what amusing for a theoretical Gen-X-er like me:

* Forget Gen Y, employers told

Sample quote:

"Here's my message to you: don't hire Gen Y," Mr Korn explained in a provocative but humorous address to a business lunch in Melbourne yesterday. "Hire people in their late 20s when they've passed that stage." According to Mr Korn, 'that stage' ends in their late 20s, when Gen Y-ers start to think long-term for the first time in their lives.


Mr Korn, director of market and social research firm Heartbeat Trends, characterised Gen Y-ers as very self-centred. That selfishness was accompanied by their unshakable optimism. After witnessing the trauma of their parents being retrenched and down-sized, Gen Y-ers had no faith in employers and no sense of a job for life. "They have no trust. They figure, `somebody's going to screw me, well I better screw them first'," Mr Korn said.

Of course the article fails to mention the parenting or societal attitudes that have led to the stereotype of Gen=Y. After all isn't 'Gen-X/Y' a direct result of the 'Baby-boomer' generation ?

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.06.21-18:57.00]

May 26, 2007

Amusing Video's

Brilliant workplace safety training video from Germany for Forklift drivers. Starts slow but the mayhem reaches quite a climax.

One for anyone that does technical support - The Book. Pretty sure I've linked this before . . .

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.05.26-03:39.00]

Apr 17, 2007

A couple of amusing clips . . .

Kiwi film - Eagle vs Shark. Looks good. Possibly a little to close to Napoleon Dynamite though.

Pretty good Steve Jobs & Bill Gates Piss-take by Enfield & Whitehouse.

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.04.17-18:27.00]

Mar 08, 2007

Printable Cold Sores

If you're after some subversive anti-corporate humour try printing a bunch of these Printable Cold Sores onto acetate and affixing them to the next airbrushed billboard model you come across.

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.03.08-18:42.00]

Feb 18, 2007

Funny Links

If you let people create official petitions - they'll want to change the national anthem.

All over the interweb - Tech support for new fangled books.

Funny but tragically true - what if national flags truly represented the country in some way ?

Religion is irrational - Science vs Faith. He's got some other pretty good flowcharts around including What would George Bush Do ?

Textbook stickers - Disclaimers for books containing information on evolution.

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.02.18-18:23.00]

Feb 01, 2007

Humour - Vista Upgrade Decision Flowchart

This thing is all over the interweb - Windows Vista Upgrade Decision. Some of the advice is actually spot-on - there still doesn't seem to be any compelling reason to upgrade. Maybe when I get a new PC . . .

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2007.02.01-21:42.00]

Dec 08, 2006

Great Kiwi Ad

One of many decent ads on telly at the moment -

This one is for a Kiwi fave L & P (Lemon & Paeroa) and concerns one of the great male institution of the 70's - 'stubby' shorts.

Watch, grin & cringe at the fashion and haircuts of the era :-)

Still - L & P is a wonderful soft-drink to partake of on a hot summers day ;-)

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2006.12.08-04:46.00]

Nov 16, 2006

Dawkins Has A Posse

Chris points to a rather brilliant DIY sticker - Richard Has A Posse. If you've seen Richard Dawkins in a recent South Park episode you'll see him in an entirely new light :-)

Similar to the Darwin Has A Posse stickers from a few years back.

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2006.11.16-21:18.00]

Oct 23, 2006

Togs, Undies & Budgie Smugglers

If you've ever wondered when togs become undies check out this NZ ice-cream commercial :-)

And if you're not sure what a Budgie Smuggler is then theres some insight in the linked Wikipedia article.

I had to look it up when I saw a giant beer bill-board (part of the Tui 'Yeah, Right') series that said something like 'Summers here, time to dust off the budgie smuggler. Yeah Right'.


[/humour] | [permalink] | [2006.10.23-07:51.00]

Aug 13, 2006

A very modern war . . . orders by PowerPoint

Definitely one of those WTF moments -

* PowerPoint Corrupts the Point Absolutely

[Army Lt. General David] McKiernan had another, smaller but nagging issue: He couldn’t get Franks to issue clear orders that stated explicitly what he wanted done, how he wanted to do it, and why. Rather, Franks passed along PowerPoint briefing slides that he had shown to Rumsfeld: "It’s quite frustrating the way this works, but the way we do things nowadays is combatant commanders brief their products in PowerPoint up in Washington to OSD and Secretary of Defense…In lieu of an order, or a frag [fragmentary order], or plan, you get a bunch of PowerPoint slides…[T]hat is frustrating, because nobody wants to plan against PowerPoint slides."

Only posted in the humour section because if you didn't laugh you'd have to cry.

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2006.08.13-09:59.00]

Jan 11, 2006

Purely for the sake of vanity . . .

The number of times I've been asked for ID so far this year when purchasing beer / wine = 2

12/01/06 - Different Supermarket (Pak 'N Save) - luckily I had my UK learners license. The common factor to being ID'd seems to be appearance (barefeet, shorts, Big Black t-shirt).

11/01/06 - Having no ID meant the Checkout Operator (New World) asked my age and the delay as I had to think back to 1970 and work forward (I know I know whats there to calculate) must have qualified me to be in the "to old to care" bracket ;-)

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2006.01.11-00:50.00]

Nov 02, 2004

What ever happened to Clippy ?

If you've ever wondered what happened to the infamous Microsoft Office Assistant then read this shocking expose - Clipped: A candid interview with a fallen celebrity of Office Suite stardom...

[/humour] | [permalink] | [2004.11.02-18:56.00]