Aug 27, 2006
Endpoint Security
Endpoint Security checking is going to be huge as more and more people start connecting into their corporate LAN's remotely (actually even in a wired LAN its pretty important given the proliferation of trojans, spyware and malicious hackers).
Essentially EP lets the network administrator define certain conditions that must be met before being able to participate on the corporate LAN. In some case the tools will even allow direct you towards a quarantined location which will explain why the connection was refused and assist you to rectify the problem. For example an EP tool can direct an authorised client that fails post-connection criteria to a web page with links to security patches, antivirus software and firewall tools - it can even offer up different LAN access profiles (eg webmail or terminal services but not a direct connection).
* Wikipedia on Endpoint Security
* Wikipedia on Checkpoint Integrity a centralised EP system
* Nice flowchart tool to design EP access control for Firepass
* Flash Demo of CheckPoints Interspect appliance
* McAfee have their Host Intrusion Protection (PDF) system which integrates into their ePO framework
* Juniper have a cool Flash Demo of their IDP product (unfortunately you need to register to see it)
* ISS (who've been bought out by IBM) have Proventia - it looks like they also bought Black Ice Defender (Checkpoint bought Zone Alarm)
Security seems to be a serious growth industry given the trail of acquisitions and mergers in the small group of companies listed above.
Permalink | 2006.08.27-21:58.00