Mar 05, 2004
Useful Find File Syntax (Because I can never remember . . .)
From O'Reillys OnLamp Series come two articles on using Unix find - one and two.
Useful examples
Find all pdfs and move them into a pdf folder
find . -name "*.pdf" -print | grep -v "^\./pdfs/" | xargs -J X mv X ./pdfs/
Find all files I haven't accessed in 7 days and they're larger than 10Mb in size
find . -atime +7 -size +20480 -print
[/tech/unix] | [permalink] | [2004.03.05-13:21.00]
Friday Links
Fantastic Windows Freeware
Art RageDownload, install, use an existing image as tracing paper and then cut loose with the mouse.
Joel Spolsky on . . .
How to Run a Beta TestFor a super clean Unix Window Manager to make best use of screen realestate try the tabbed WM called ion
IonUseful Aramaic (if you've been following Mel Gibsons latest foray into movies . . .)
Aramaic PhrasesUseful for people with Kids and Wood varnish floors
FunSlidesEdit CSS Within Firefox with a sidebar addin
EditCSSUseful XP Regedits
XP Registry Edits[/links/2004] | [permalink] | [2004.03.05-13:07.00]