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Apr 16, 2004

Weekly Links

IT Manager - The Game (I kid you not)

Wolfenstien style FPS in 5k of javascript

Usually deathly boring but the java visualisations make these search algorithm comparisons interesting (precis - brute force search took 24 attempts; the Alpha-skip algorighm took only 4 attempts to find the match)

Another aptly named antispam tool - read only mail address for site signups

Control a robot using a Nintendo Gameboy as a microcontroller

A 3D FPS in 96kb - I can't get it to run but then my hardware may not be up to spec

Pretty cool - Port Knocking - lock down a machine; then 'knock' ports in a particular sequence to enable ssh access

A look back at user interfaces across many many different platforms at the GUI Guidebook

Nice timeline too, to compare various UI elements on various OS's

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