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Pure New Zealand

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Mar 27, 2005

Interesting Links

Interesting secuurity idea - Restricting Brute Force Attacks through Resource Metering.

Cool self configuring robot - Mtran.

Snake like robot - Snake-like robot conquers obstacles.

The origin of one of the Macs classic alerts - Sosumi.

I stick to Vi but many of these tips are still applicable - Vim: Seven habits of effective text editing.

Interesting demo of an application which can turn natural language into psuedo-code - Bartender simulation. The related paper is available here. These types of experiments underline the types of things that will be required to assist in machine learning and AI.

Computer accessory company with a sense of humour.

Little tidbits of Zen philosopy.

Some interesting game links for those that like real time strategy

Destroy your favourite websites with Netdisaster.

Although my number-crunching days are long past I still admire the quality of HP Calculators.

Don't mess with Charles Darwin. He has a posse :-)

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