Jun 12, 2005
Interesting Links
Via Statcounter I have come to realise a few people are heading this way via Google searches - of course the Google link is to the blosxom cgi and not the post itself. So people come looking for old content and find new content. I'm sure this is pretty annoying so if you're one of these people you might want to try the local site search or use the Google cache of the search results to find what you were after. I'm not entirely sure why Google doesn't properly crawl the site links (they're all there via the Archive sidebar) though . . . Odd.
The GTD (Getting Things Done) meme seems to be huge right now - DIYPlanner is a card based PDA - print the Acrobat files onto card, cut to size then assemble together and keep them handy.
Logging - The Eighth Commandment of system administration: Syslog. I didn't realise it was so easy to setup. There is a more modern Secure Syslog project too.
Classic Mac - Mainly Neat Stuff contains useful Mac Classic information (pre PowerPC). This guy even has a nice right up on ending up with an old IIfx owned by Douglas Adams. I wound up finding this site searching for the old Ethernet/LocalTalk Bridge software Apple made available to allow a pre ethernet LocalTalk Mac to connect to Ethernet AppleTalk and TCP/IP network.
Shell tip - if you want an audio cue that a shell task has completed try this simple and nifty shell tip from Brenden Robinson.
Solaris - Sample Project Using Solaris Zones.
Linux Performance - Performance analysis on Linux using tools like vmstat, iostat and netstat.
Backup - Rsync over SSH for secure remote backup.
Excellent advice - How to Lose Friends and Alienate People With Email. Genius.
A nice review of the newly released Debian 3.1. For people who want a more bleeding edge Debian-style experiance try Ubuntu or Gentoo.
Anti-powerpoint - Stop your presentation before it kills again.
Solid-state storage - 30Gb holographic storage cards. $1 for the card and $1800 for the drive.
Useful tools - Xtort Freeware Collection and utilities to make your PC work like a Mac.
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