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Jul 06, 2005

Rapido + More

Visual code profiler for Linux - Rapido. Useful tool for developers.

YALOS (Yet Another List of Software) - 'Must Have' Windows Software.

The Zapper has that 'As Seen on TV look to it (especially after clicking through the Redferret link) but if it actually works it would seem to be pretty handy.

Another disk eraser - DBAN - Dariks Boot and Nuke. Handy for disposing of hardware.

Yet more on the craptastic nature of Microsoft Exchange clustering as compared to Lotus Notes/Domino.

I am printing these off now. Darwin Rules!

This looks hilarious - Kingdom of Loathing is a lo-fi multi-player role playing game.

Finished Charles Stross 'Singularity Sky' - highly recommended sci-fi. My Pelican finally arrived and I've decided its a lot like Mogwai if Mogwai were American Metal fans - its not quite the uber-heavy drone the Amazon reviews make out - its still worth checking out as its kind of instrumental metal without vocals and twiddly solos. If you are after super slo-mo heavy drone you really can't go past Earths 'Earth 2' album.

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