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Sep 04, 2005

Chmox + More (Updated 07/09/05)

I'm sure I've linked to this before but these little places are to cool not to flag again - Tumleweed Houses. These would make great holiday homes.

Another article on getting a tiny Linux distro working under Qemu. Theres a related article at about the popularity of small Linux installs.

Interesting Basics of installing / securing PHP and MySQL on OS X. I didn't realise there was a secure php.ini option or a mysql_secure_installation script. They both look like useful options for locking down any LAMP (linux/apache/mysql/php) setup.

Microsofts Compiled Help format is pretty popular as a way of bundling up information. Its always been a hassle to view on other platforms - I used to use xChm via X-windows on my Mac which was fine by X is a pig. Luckily theres now a native viewer for OS X - Chmox. It small, fast and efficient.

Create your own GTD (Getting Things Done) notebook - via the PocketMod Flash app - which prints onto a single A4 page. The GTD meme is cool but sometimes I wonder if like Adrian Mole you spend more time on the System than on actually GTD :-)

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Alastair Reynolds + Mark Haddon

I just finished Revalation Space by Alastair Reynolds. Very slow start but the last 3/4 of the book is pretty impressive and when it ends you feel the need to rush out and get the next one.

Just started reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Not something I'd normally consider but curiosity got the best of me and I was duly rewarded by a fascinating read. Highly recommended insight into autism with smatterings of science and mathematics rolled into a (dog)murder mystery.

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