Sep 19, 2005
Textpander + More (Updated 20/09/05)
More interesting updates -
From 43folders - how to write sensible emails. I cringe everytime I see an email message without a Subject line.
Interesting - Joe Williams Sr. claims to have a device which massively increases the efficiency of the combustion engine by feeding hydrogen into the combustion chamber for a cleaner burn. Sounds cool.
An excellent OpenBSD 101 guide. Of particular interest was the 'lsof' package which provides a list of open files / pipes / ports. Looks like a handy debugging too.
Useful tool for checking network performance / isolating bottleknecks - Netperf - from a Windows perspective. The tool itself is available for a number of platforms and is open-source.
From BoingBoing - guy posts a bunch of blank speech bubbles over ads and then comes back to see what people have written in them - heres some from the Humour category.
One of the applications I really liked using back in my Mac Classic days on my Duo 230 was TypeIt4Me - it was essential given the incredibly crappy keyboard the Duo line was notorious for having. Back then it was freeware - no its commercial and I'm on the hunt for a free alternative on OS X and came across TextPander which fits the bill quite nicely. I can set auto-correct up to replace 'teh' with 'the' and all the other silly typo's and transpositions I usually make when I type.
Why following a security guide to locking down a server is often not the smartest way to handle network security.
Just like the qemu based virtual linux distros - there is now a Pocket CE 2.0 which lets you run an emulated ARM based PocketPC device from a USB stick.
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