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Oct 13, 2005

Onchip Art + More

Interesting piece on the Artwork hidden in micro-chips. I think Marvin on the Mars Rover might be my favourite.

Trying out Meebo which is a web page IM interface which lets you use AIM/MSN etc from inside a firewall that would normally block IM protocols.

If only I had a small warehouse to put this stuff in. Up to Nine Thousand USD so far .... seems cheap at the price and a good way for any museum to get an instant step-up into a 'History of personal computing' exhibit.

Handy - Debian Grimoire. Useful byte-size tidbits for Debian admins. The Vserver info looks interesting as does his Cool Tools info.

Apparently Microsoft Office 12 will have a WYGIWYS (What you get is what you see) interface - or a 'results-oriented user interface'. Wonder how it will be received and if there is an option to turn it off ? Also given that people are struggling to see any real benefit in moving from Office 2000 to XP or 2003 how are Microsoft going to get this into the enterprise ?

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