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Oct 19, 2005

Squid + More

Useful - Advanced Squid.

I've linked to this before but its still a great resource - Newspaper Frontpages from 48 different countries.

Fantastic clock - Clock of the long now. Designed to last 10000 years and its slowest part will cycle once every 260 years. A prototype has been built.

An emusing look into the life of ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher.

At last a Lotus Notes Community Site (that isn't - LotusUserGroup.Org - of particular interest are the Systems Admin Tips. Notes administration tends to be one of those things that people pick up on the job as there aren't that many useful "How-To's" on the web.

Interesting link to a new Transparent Armor being developed by the US Air Force as a replacement for Armored Glass.

Jakob Nielsons - Top Ten Weblog Usability Mistakes. I'm guilty of almost all of them :-)

Looks like NZ ranks equal # 2 in the annual 2005 Corruption Perception Index.

New Apple stuff - Aperture, new PowerBooks and new multi-core G5's. Apart from the multi-core G5's (about time) its all pretty dull (unless you're a pro-photographer in which case Aperture may be handy). John Gruber comments on the new releases at Daring Fireball.

Neat - RSS feeds for Microsoft KBase Articles by product.

Came across this these yesterday - a replacement for the venerable Windows Noteapad called Notepad 2.

I should pick a different colour for updates...

Excellent - VMWare release free VM 'player'. Great boon to software companies - you can now shrink wrap VMWare demo machines as distributables for anyone to use - excellent for companies with tricky software installs on x86 based platforms.

Someone at Apple must have finally woken up and realised that managing a fleet of Mac's is a PITA - as of OS X ver 10.4 ASR (Apple Software Restore) can do multi-cast installs over the network. This is something Ghost has been able to do since for x86 hardware since 1998.

Amusing - Living with the Beast. A writer discusses the joys of working with Microsoft Word. On a vaguely related note MacDevCenter have a good article on the RTF format.

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This week I have mostly been listening too . . .

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