Dec 19, 2005
Odd Optical Illusion + More
Pink dots - Freaky optical illusion.
Handy - Top 20 IT Mistakes.
Australia has a seething racist underbelly while New Zealand has Santarchists.
Looks like an interesting read - Time management tips for Systems Admins.
Handy - Share your Firefox bookmarks. It'd be useful to do something similar with rss feeds. I guess thats why services like bloglines & delicious have sprung up.
Nitpickers - Pick holes in movies and tv shows. Shame about the annoying popups.
Handy - $45 Emergency Menu for 4-6 People. Our grocery bills are shockingly expensive.
Wed design tips - Tracking how your eye moves across a web page.
Probably more a reflection on the mid 90's than now but still pretty funny - Dilbert on Venture Capatalists.
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