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Dec 20, 2005

DrunkenBatman on Humourous FAQ's + More

DrunkenBatman points to a couple of pretty amusing Apple FAQ's. Nice to see a big corporation give staff a bit of leeway when it comes to creating this type of content.

This guy built a PC (or should I say CPU) from scratch and documented his efforts at HomebrewCPU.

ArsTechnica discusses some of the technologies that might be used by the President to spy on his people. Interesting that Phil Zimmerman (of PGP fame) was trying to raise this issue back in 1999.

Useful - Effective Emacs.

I don't have the patience for this type of thing anymore but I can appreciate the work - a weblog focused on cool paper models - Paperforest.

Amusing - dailywtf covers some scarey programming techniques discovered in real code. Although I can't code to save myself I can appreciate the wierdness of some of the examples - its almost like they've been obfuscated to intentionally make things more difficult than they need to be.

Interesting - OpenSource used in King Kong. I was interviewed by this guy and was offered a job there. Genuinely nice people. I did hear some horror stories about the workload and conditions (for all Weta staff) though which put me off though.

A definite plug for the Firefox SessionSaver extension - after my broser crashed it was able to restart with all my content/tabs in place so I could carry on right where I left off.

Everyone seems to be releasing their best of 2005 lists so heres my metalist - Popmatters Best Music of 2005, Dusted Magazine Year in Review, Pitchforkmedia Best of 2005. I think I've only got one or maybe two albums on any of these lists . . . I must be getting old.

Interesting collection of beta websites and services - Museum of Modern Betas.

One of them was Hackaday - a bit like MAKE - a new hack every day. Another was Gollum - a simple Wikipedia Browser.

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