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Dec 22, 2005

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster + More

Probably the last post before Xmas so I hope anyone reading this apart from me - Aidan, Stuart, Rob, Mark, Gareth and miscellaneous others who stumble upon the site - has an excellent Christmas & New Years. Hopefully Blosxom plays nice when 2006 hits :-)

Reputedly the creator of FSM is being paid $50k to write the Pastafarian Bible.

Create your own speech bubbles and scrolling manifestos. Nifty.

This guy has built a computer that will play Tetris - one computer watches another and provides the keycodes to move the blocks around in real-time. Pretty impressive.

The Official History of Lotus Notes.

Amusing - Tech Support Calls from Hell.

Brilliant evolving art installation project using styrofoam cups - You Are Beautiful.

The Newton Museum Closes and Auctions its collection.

Useful Reference - Network Port List.

An article over at Onlamp on organising files from an IT persons perspective.

After reading this post I decided to switch browsers for awhile to see if my web experiance improved. So far Shiira seems to coping quite well and it seems to be a little less resource hungry than Safari.

Interesting - Eluding Happiness - The Buddhist Problem with Christmas.

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This week I have mostly been listening to . . .

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