Jan 12, 2006
Autism Spectrum Quotient + More
While these tests are largely meaningless its fun anyway - Autism Quotient Test. I scored a 25 which apparently makes me above average. Yay me!
I spent almost a year there over 1983/84 - You know you've been in Finland to long when . . .. I can pretty much say all of these observations are spot-on :-)
GUI/Usability Guru Bruce Tognazzini - Ten Most Wanted Design Bugs. The fighter joystick 'fire' interface bug is a worry . . .
Makes you think - Ten Reasons Not to Buy Diamonds.
The BBC/Oxford English Dictionary Wordhunt Appeal. Some excellent words that need some more information to try and determine their origins.
Interesting - What I've Learned from Failure with respect to Software Development. Interesting quote "The strongest indication of a weak team is the realization that if you were to quit and start your own business, you wouldn't try to poach any of your colleagues".
Free (unfortunately not open source) Secure File Transfer commandline tool for Windows - MoveIT Freely.
Excellent interview with Steve Woznaik.
Another big name in the Computer industry - Paul Allen invests in Computer History. I'll have to get a telnet account on his PDP-10.
Useful - Tips for better sleeping. I can almost will myself to sleep - I just tend to zone out and drop off. Very handy on the bus trip home afterwork.
Interesting - Science's 10 Most Beautiful Experiments.
This is a great idea - Labels make MP3's available to people buying vinyl. I have plenty of Vinyl that I need to get as mp3's - I wonder if other labels will cotten onto this ?
Neat - Ultrasmall PC. Only 2 inches square!
Breakthrough - Scientists figure out how bees fly.
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