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Jun 07, 2007

Pico-ITX Review + More

They just get smaller and smaller - Pico-ITX Review. Check the last page in which some enthusiasts cram a Pico-ITX board into a GameBoy case.

Scarey and depressing - Generation F*cked: How Britain is Eating Its Young. As the comments point out this kind of this is a global issue.

Useful - Many Books in different formats.

Panorama - Hugin is an open source photo-stitcher.

The price of an open encyclopedia - Wikigroaning. Probably reflects the high geek to genuine expert ratio. Or the desire to drivel on at length about trivial rubbish in the mistaken belief that like minded individual will read it :-)

Humour - The Armageddon Flowchart. The terminal scenarios are genius.

Chris points to Apple putting User data into DRM encoded tracks. Wil Shiply points out that Adobe does too. "I was shocked! Shocked! They didn't even bother to try to disguise it!" Classic.

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Mac Uptime (Updated 01/06/07)

I finally got around to applying the 10.4.9 update to my MacBook. Just before my reboot the uptime displayed:

17:17 up 65 days, 9:40, 2 users, load averages: 0.21 0.17 0.28

Pretty good stability for a laptop (or computer of any kind). I could have kept going as performance seemed the same as it did when I'd rebooted 65 days ago.

My MacBook has been the fastest and most stable Mac I've ever owned. Highly recommended if you're in the market for a non Windows laptop.

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