Jun 13, 2007
Wellington Grey laments the decline in Physics teaching standards + More
Interesting - Wellington Grey laments the decline in Physics standards. The sample questions are fine for basic science understanding but by the time you start to specialise you really need to start crunching some numbers.
Re-inventing ZFS - Btrfs: a copy on write, snapshotting FS.
Free - Java based media server - for Wii & PS3. I'm quite impressed by our Wii.
One of those 'when I were a lad' articles - How children lost the right to roam in four generations. Amazing what a little misplaced fear will do.
The scarey French - Is Maman mean or magnifique?
Interesting - US States Renamed For Countries With Similar GDPs. NZ's GDP is the same as Washington DC.
Census stats - some interesting information from the NZ 2006 Census - Who we are part 1 Who we are part 2. Interesting that almost a quarter of the population are immigrants, that marraige and divorce rates are almost the same now and that Hindi, Mandarin, Cantonese feature in the top 10 languages (also German speakers appear to outnumber Tongan speakers).