Feb 11, 2006
Connect 360 + More
OS X app that lets you stream OS X media to your XBox 360 - Connect 360 from Nullriver.
Nifty - Guimp - Worlds smallest blog. 18 x 18 pixels and includes tiny versions of your favourite classic video games (pong, defender etc).
The other Steve at Apple - Forget Jobs lets worship Wozniak.
Emulate a G4 on Intel via the venerable - Sheepshaver. Due to the more modern emulation it should run Mac OS 9 ( Basilisk only emulates the older 680x0 chips and will run OS 0 - OS 8).
Interesting -Charles Stross has a blog. From where you can download a pdf of his latest novel Accelerando.
Apparently Star Control 2 was a classic real time strategy game that has recently been recreated as an open source project and its available now as The Ur-Quan Masters.
Handy - Fifty writing tools.
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