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Pure New Zealand

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Feb 19, 2006

Woz Played Segway Polo in NZ + More

Aha - I finally clicked as to why this article wouldn't publish. I thought I'd broken my static blosxom setup. In fact the local server system time is two months out - so blosxom doesn't publish anything after the 20th of December 2005! I guess I just need to wait for the SDF guys to twig to the problem :-)

Cool - Steve Wozniak in NZ for Segway Polo.

Emulation - Comprehensive list of Emulators on the Mac. Includes PC, Mainframe, PDA, Console and Arcade.

ZFS - Systems Admin Magazine has another article on the benefits of ZFS.

Logging - Howto setup centralised logging.

Clone - An open-source multiplatform Elite clone - Oolite.

Neat - TouchAmp has been open-sourced. Lets you control Winamp remotely via a Palm serial connection.

Nostalgia remade - Monkey Magic.

x86 Emulation - Q is a Mac port of QEMU. Lets you run x86 OS's in a VM.

Interesting - A Historical Look at the VAX: The Economics of Microprocessors.

Useful database advice - Data crunching tips.

Awesome - Meebo have implemented SSO (single sign on) - I can now login to all three intant messanger services at once with a single Meebo login. Meebo is a web based IM system that lets you connect to AIM, GTalk, MSN and Yahoo and presents a nifty ajax type desktop with messages in popup windows. Really handy for those places that block IM traffic but allow http.

Lego Art - Nathan Sawaya is a Lego Artist.

Security - Preventing SSH Dictionary Attacks With DenyHosts.

VoIP - OpenWengo VoIP Firefox Extension.

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