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Mar 03, 2006

Windows Password Reset + More

I've occassionally had to use password reset tools on Windows boxes before - usually Linux based. Just had to use it again and the tool I used is a boot CD from Petter Nordahl-Hagen. The CD version worked a treat and includes SCSI drivers for a number of RAID controllers - especially handy for server systems.

Handy - Clack Router is a free java based network simulator.

Useful tip - Migrating Outlook Express Email to Notes. Could have used this a few years ago :-)

Who says they never do anything fun - Microsoft brings DDR to email.

Interesting ArsTechnica reviews the new MacBook. Funny that they compared it with a Dell running OS X 10.4.4 - the Dell must be at least half the price. Not sure how Apple is going to stop people doing this though.

Gizmodos Low End Theory article discusses the ins and outs of the typewriter industry. Which links to and their $600USD IBM Wheelwriters - these things must be the Bentleys of the typewriter world at that price. Still I bet they have a nice keyboard action...

Humour - If Microsoft designed the iPod packaging.

Useful - freeSSHd. Win32 SSH server allows you to setup your own encrypted connections.

Humour - two video games created by people who don't like video games - Penn & Tellers Smoke & Mirrors and Takeshi no Chousenjou - the first makes you drive across a desert for 8hrs in real time and the second makes you sing karaoke for an hour while trying to kill the level boss.

Creepy - Worlds most deadly bacteria.

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